Indian Republic Day: Essay For Primary Kids

Indian Republic Day, celebrated on January 26th, honors the date when the Constitution of India came into effect, transforming the nation into a sovereign republic.

Indian Republic Day Essay For Primary Kids

Indian Republic Day: Essay For Primary Kids

India achieved independence on the 15th August, 1947. But she was still governed by a Constitution which the British had framed for us. Even before the achievement of independence, the Constituent Assembly had been entrusted with the task of forming a new Constitution for India. The Constitution was completed on the 26th November, 1949. It came into force on January 26, 1950. The new Constitution, which the people accepted, laid down India as a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic. Hence the 26th of January is known as the Republic Day.

Our Republic Day is a red letter day in the history of India. It was on this day India fully became a sovereign nation after centuries of foreign rule.

Since Republic Day is of immense significance, it is celebrated all over India with great pomp and show. But in Delhi, the capital of India, it is celebrated with greater grandeur and splendour. The programme begins with the march of the President's procession from Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate. People in a large number flock to the city from various parts. At India Gate the President takes salute of the three wings of military, i.e., Army, Navy and Air Force.

Various types of awards are given on this occasion by the President. After this the President returns to Rashtrapati Bhavan but the rest wait for the procession continues its march till it ends at the Red Fort.

The procession is indeed a grand spectacle. It represents India in miniature. The tableaux attempt to present a view of India in miniature. Aeroplanes fly overhead in style. At night, public buildings are profusely illuminated and the display of fireworks provides entertainment and Enjoyment to people.

The Republic Day has a grand message for us. It reminds us of the sacrifices made by the fighters for freedom, exhorts us to work hard for the welfare and prosperity of country's freedom and territorial integrity. It also calls upon us to work for fulfilment of ideals which free India stands for.

Sitesh Choudhary

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