Community Posting Rules for Apan Mithilangan

Welcome to Apan Mithilangan! To ensure a positive and respectful environment for all users, we have established the following rules for posting content on our portal. By participating in our community, you agree to adhere to these guidelines.

1. Respectful Behavior

  • Treat all users with respect and courtesy: Engage in discussions with a positive attitude. Harassment, discrimination, hate speech, or any other form of abusive behavior will not be tolerated.

2. Accurate Information

  • Provide accurate and truthful information: Ensure that the content you submit is accurate and not misleading. Do not misrepresent yourself or your contributions.

3. Compliance with Laws

  • Adhere to applicable laws and regulations: All content must comply with relevant laws, including copyright laws, privacy laws, and any other pertinent legislation.

4. No Spam or Self-Promotion

  • Avoid spamming and excessive self-promotion: Posts should be relevant to the community and contribute meaningfully. Refrain from posting repetitive or irrelevant content solely for promotional purposes.

5. No Illegal or Inappropriate Content

  • Do not post illegal or inappropriate content: This includes content that is pornographic, violent, or otherwise offensive. Such content is strictly prohibited and will be removed.

6. Respect Copyrights and Licenses

  • Honor the copyrights and licenses of others: Do not post or distribute copyrighted material without proper authorization. Ensure you respect the license terms of any content you use or share.

7. Report Violations

  • Report inappropriate content: If you encounter content that violates these rules or is otherwise inappropriate, please report it to our moderation team immediately.

Consequences of Violations

Violations of these rules may result in the following actions:

  • Removal of offending content.
  • Suspension or termination of user accounts.
  • Permanent banning of repeat offenders.
  • Other appropriate actions deemed necessary by our moderation team.

We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a respectful and engaging community on Apan Mithilangan. Thank you for being a valued member of our platform!

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