Mahatma Gandhi : Essay For Primary Kids

Mahatma Gandhi, known for his nonviolent resistance, led India to independence and inspired civil rights movements worldwide.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi : Essay For Primary Kids

Mahatma Gandhi was born in Gujarat. His Father’s name was Karamchand Gandhi, who was the Deewan of Porbandar. His Mother Putlibai was a housewife. The real name of Mahatma Gandhi was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

His parents were pious. He read first in a Primary School and then in a High School. He always hated lies. King Harishchandra was an ideal for him. To him Shravan Kumar was an ideal son. Gandhiji wanted to become like Harishchandra and Shravan Kumar.

After passing the Matriculation Examination he went to England. He became a barrister and came to India. He began to practise. But he thought the lawyer’s profession is a liar’s profession.

He went to Africa. There he started Satyagrah for the rights of the Indians. He had to suffer much there. He was even beaten, but he did not lose courage.

In 1914 he came to India with his weapon of Satyagrah. He fought against the British Government with various ups and downs.

In 1942 he raised the slogan of ‘Quit India’. The whole world felt the strength of his weapon. The English people honourably left India in 1947.

The mission of Gandhiji was fulfilled and he left this world for ever on the 30th January, 1948, When Nathuram Godse killed him while he was going for Prarthna Sabha.

Gandhiji believed in God. He believed that truth always gains victory. He had no faith in physical force. He wanted Ram Rajya where there is no poor and all are happy. He wanted to bring Ram Rajya not through bloodshed, but by changing man’s heart. He lived in a hut like an ascetic. Hindus and Mohammedans were equal in his eyes. He loved the Harijans. He lived and died for others.

Sitesh Choudhary

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