Chewy Stock Experiences 34% Rollercoaster After Viral Post

Chewy stock surged 34% after a viral dog picture by Roaring Kitty, only to lose all gains. Learn about the market reaction and what it means for investors.

Chewy Stock

Chewy Stock Pops 34% After Roaring Kitty Posts a Dog Picture, Then Gives It All Back

In an unexpected turn of events, Chewy’s stock saw a dramatic rise and fall, all triggered by a simple post from the famous retail investor, Roaring Kitty. The saga began when Roaring Kitty, known for his influential role in the GameStop stock frenzy, posted a picture of his dog. This seemingly innocuous action led to a surge in Chewy’s stock price by 34%, only for it to plummet back down shortly after. Here’s an in-depth look at how this unfolded, its implications, and what investors can learn from this rollercoaster event.

The Initial Surge: What Happened?

Roaring Kitty, whose real name is Keith Gill, has a substantial following on social media. He is well-regarded for his investment insights and has a history of causing significant market movements with his posts. On a seemingly ordinary day, he posted a picture of his dog, wearing a Chewy-branded accessory. The post quickly went viral, capturing the attention of thousands of investors and enthusiasts.

  • Immediate Reaction: Within hours of the post, Chewy’s stock began to climb rapidly. The stock, which had been relatively stable, saw an unprecedented 34% increase.
  • Investor Sentiment: Many investors interpreted the post as a positive endorsement of Chewy, a leading online retailer of pet food and other pet-related products. The sentiment was fueled by the belief that Roaring Kitty’s support could lead to a surge in consumer interest and sales for Chewy.

The Sudden Plunge: Why Did It Happen?

Despite the initial excitement, the surge was short-lived. The stock quickly gave back all the gains it had made, leaving many investors puzzled and concerned.

  • Market Realities: The abrupt rise in stock price was largely speculative. Without any fundamental changes in Chewy’s business operations or financial outlook, the market corrected itself once the initial excitement waned.
  • Profit-Taking: Experienced traders likely saw the rapid increase as an opportunity to take profits. This led to a sell-off, which contributed to the sharp decline in stock price.

Market Analysis: Understanding the Dynamics

To comprehend this phenomenon better, it’s essential to look at both the broader market context and Chewy’s position within it.

Chewy’s Market Position

Chewy is a well-known player in the pet industry. It offers a wide range of products, from pet food to accessories, and has built a strong brand reputation over the years. The company’s online model has been particularly successful during the pandemic, as more consumers turned to online shopping for their pet needs.

  • Financial Performance: Chewy’s financial reports have shown steady growth in revenue and customer base. However, the company has also faced challenges, including increasing competition and rising costs.
  • Future Prospects: Analysts have mixed views on Chewy’s future. While some see significant growth potential, others are cautious due to the competitive landscape and operational challenges.

The Role of Influencers in Stock Market Movements

The incident with Roaring Kitty highlights the growing influence of social media and online personalities on the stock market.

  • Influencer Power: Influencers with large followings can sway investor sentiment significantly. This is particularly true in the case of retail investors, who may make investment decisions based on social media trends rather than traditional financial analysis.
  • Speculative Risks: While influencers can create short-term market movements, these are often speculative and not based on fundamental business performance. This can lead to volatility and potential losses for uninformed investors.

Lessons for Investors

The Chewy stock incident provides several key takeaways for investors:

  1. Due Diligence: Always conduct thorough research before making investment decisions. Relying solely on social media trends can be risky.
  2. Market Volatility: Be prepared for volatility, especially with stocks that can be influenced by social media activity.
  3. Long-Term Focus: Focus on the long-term fundamentals of a company rather than short-term market movements driven by speculative behavior.

Key Takeaways

  • Immediate Surge: Chewy’s stock surged 34% following a viral dog picture post by Roaring Kitty.
  • Short-Lived Gain: The stock quickly lost all its gains due to speculative nature and profit-taking.
  • Market Influence: The incident underscores the influence of social media on stock prices.
  • Investor Advice: Emphasize due diligence, be cautious of volatility, and focus on long-term fundamentals.

Detailed Analysis

Impact on Chewy’s Brand

Despite the stock’s volatile behavior, the incident brought significant attention to Chewy as a brand. Increased visibility can have both positive and negative impacts.

  • Positive Exposure: The viral post and subsequent media coverage increased Chewy’s brand visibility. This could translate into higher consumer interest and potentially increased sales.
  • Negative Sentiment: The stock’s rapid rise and fall might create uncertainty among potential investors. It highlights the risks associated with volatile stock movements, which could affect long-term investor confidence.

Social Media’s Role in Modern Investing

The Chewy incident is a prime example of how social media can impact investing. Influencers like Roaring Kitty have the power to drive significant market movements, sometimes detached from the company’s actual performance.

  • Social Media Trends: The rise of platforms like Twitter and Reddit has given retail investors a louder voice in the market. Posts and trends on these platforms can lead to rapid and sometimes irrational market movements.
  • Regulatory Concerns: The power of social media influencers raises questions about market manipulation and the need for regulatory oversight to protect investors.


Q: Why did Chewy’s stock surge after Roaring Kitty’s post?

A: The post went viral, leading to increased investor interest and speculative buying, which drove the stock price up by 34%.

Q: What caused the stock to fall back after the surge?

A: The rise was largely speculative. Without fundamental business changes, the market corrected itself, and profit-taking led to a sell-off.

Q: How can investors protect themselves from such volatility?

A: Conduct thorough research, focus on long-term fundamentals, and be cautious of making decisions based solely on social media trends.

Q: What is the long-term outlook for Chewy?

A: While Chewy has shown growth potential, it faces challenges from competition and rising operational costs. Long-term prospects depend on how well it can navigate these challenges.

Q: How influential are social media posts on stock prices?

A: Social media posts, especially from influential figures, can significantly impact stock prices, often leading to short-term volatility.


The Chewy stock incident serves as a reminder of the complexities and risks in the modern stock market. The influence of social media and the power of influencers like Roaring Kitty can lead to dramatic market movements, emphasizing the need for careful and informed investment decisions. While Chewy remains a strong player in the pet industry, investors must navigate the volatility and focus on the company’s long-term fundamentals to make sound investment choices.

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