Brain Control of Escape Behavior: New Hope for Anxiety Relief

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Brain Control

Brain Control of Escape Behavior: A Breakthrough in Anxiety and PTSD Treatment

Key Facts:

  • Neuronal Control: PAG inhibitory neurons regulate escape initiation and termination.
  • Therapeutic Potential: Findings may lead to new treatments for anxiety and PTSD.
  • Future Research: Next steps include studying molecular pathways linking threat experience to neuron activity.


In a groundbreaking study, neuroscientists have made significant strides in understanding how the brain controls sensitivity to threats, ultimately influencing escape behavior in mice. These findings could pave the way for new treatments for anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Understanding the Periaqueductal Gray (PAG)

The periaqueductal gray (PAG) is a region of the brain that plays a crucial role in modulating fear and anxiety responses. Researchers have found that inhibitory neurons within the PAG are constantly active, meaning their levels can be adjusted to either increase or decrease sensitivity to threats.

Key Discoveries

  • Inhibitory Neurons in the PAG: These neurons are pivotal in controlling the initiation and termination of escape behavior. By dialing their activity up or down, scientists can directly impact how likely an animal is to flee in response to a threat.
  • Escape Behavior Adaptability: Escape behavior is not fixed but adaptable based on past experiences. This adaptability is crucial for survival, as it allows animals to respond appropriately to varying levels of threat.

Experimental Findings

To explore how the brain regulates escape behavior, the research team conducted several experiments:

  • In Vitro Recordings: Initial studies involved recording the properties of PAG inhibitory neurons in a controlled environment.
  • In Vivo Recordings: Using calcium imaging and head-mounted miniature microscopes, researchers observed the behavior of these neurons in live mice.
  • Connectivity Studies: Further studies revealed that PAG inhibitory neurons are directly connected to excitatory neurons responsible for initiating escape.

Practical Implications

The study’s findings have significant implications for developing new therapies for anxiety and PTSD:

  • Control of Escape Initiation: By manipulating the activity of PAG inhibitory neurons, researchers can control when an escape is initiated.
  • Control of Escape Termination: The same neurons are also crucial for determining when an escape ends, ensuring that the animal stops fleeing once it reaches safety.

Future Research Directions

The next steps involve understanding how experiences of threat influence the excitability of these neurons. If researchers can identify the specific molecular pathways involved, they could potentially develop drugs to adjust sensitivity levels in individuals with anxiety and PTSD.

Funding and Support

This research was funded by a Wellcome Senior Research Fellowship, the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre Core Grant, a European Research Council grant, and various fellowships and programs from institutions like the German Research Foundation, UCL, and the Max Planck Society.


This study represents a significant advancement in our understanding of how the brain controls escape behavior and its potential applications for treating anxiety and PTSD. By continuing to explore the molecular pathways involved, researchers hope to develop new, effective therapies for these conditions.

Key Takeaways

  • Neuronal Control: Inhibitory neurons in the PAG regulate both the initiation and termination of escape behavior.
  • Therapeutic Potential: These findings could lead to new treatments for anxiety and PTSD.
  • Future Research: Ongoing studies aim to explore the molecular pathways linking threat experiences to neuron activity.


  • Professor Tiago Branco: “Escape behavior is not fixed – it’s adaptable with experience. Our previous studies have shown that mice become more or less likely to escape depending on their past experience.”
  • Professor Tiago Branco: “If we were able to reveal the specific molecular pathway that links experience to the recruitment of these neurons, then it is conceivable that drugs could be developed to target this pathway.”


  1. What is the periaqueductal gray (PAG)?
    • The PAG is a region of the brain involved in modulating fear and anxiety responses.
  2. How do inhibitory neurons in the PAG affect escape behavior?
    • These neurons regulate the initiation and termination of escape behavior by adjusting their activity levels.
  3. What are the implications of this research for anxiety and PTSD treatments?
    • The findings could lead to new therapies that adjust sensitivity to threats, potentially helping individuals with anxiety and PTSD.
  4. What are the next steps in this research?
    • Researchers aim to explore the molecular pathways linking threat experiences to neuron activity, with the goal of developing targeted treatments.

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